Hello fellow Malaysians.
Do you ever associate certain characteristics with certain races? Well? Of Course you DO !!!
Don't Lie !!! Everybody has a little picture of actions that a certain race would do. Take for example, Me, I think that Black people like to talk loudly. They can't go anywhere without talking (Loudly) and laughing (Loudly too) with their little group of friends. This clearly disturbs us modest (applies to some) Malaysians.
Back on topic. When the word "chinese person" comes up, I the words: Cheap, Stingy, Money-faced and Image-loving come to mind. There are a few good things too: Caring, Moral(To a Certain Extent) and Ambitious (A.K.A Singaporeans). I'm chinese so I'm slightly biased, but that doesn't stop me from stating some things I noticed. So, Chinese people reading this please don't "HaiYo!!!" me. I'm a neutral person who complains about everything.
Now, if "malay guy" is said, I'll have the words: Religious, Slow-thinking, State obvious things and Like to Buy Stuff. They have their good points too: They take care of their friends, Nice people ( applies to the more open minded ones) and they're easy going about life.
Two major races down, one last one to go... Indians !!! :)
Now, don't get me wrong. I like indian people(mostly) and don't have anything against them. The ones who I DO have problems with however, are also disliked by the indians themselves. We think alike to say the least. Indian people are seen by me as: Arrogant, Spend lavishly(rich ones) and class-concerned. Their nice things are: If you earn their trust they'll help you to the ends of the earth and are quite sure of their goals.
Now that's over. I'm gonna write something to people who think I'm racist/stereotyped. I'm not the racist/stereotyped guy you think I am and thank you for even so much thinking about me. Love You Too.
(I'm so crazy about Tea, I bought China, Japan, Sri Lanka and Cameron Highlands.)
(I LOVE YOU TEA !!!!!!!!!!! I NEED YOU !!!!)