Greetings and salutations, I'm back !!!
As we know, holidays can be um.... boring. So this leave us with relatively nothing to do, and so, I'll just write about a movie I have watched.
I've watch 3 movies in the past week, and turns out that 2 were fine, but the one movie left was just rubbish. That movie is : TWILIGHT: NEW MOON !!! ( applause ).
The movie, was like watching the grass grow. Its all boring and suddenly a dog poos on you. The reason I decided to watch to movie? Because there was no other movie left. Back to the plot, Edward(vampire guy) leaves Bella(slutty girl) because one of his family members accidentally injures her. This causes him to realize how much of a threat he(plus family) poses to her(vampires bite humans).
She doesn't want to forget him and discovers that she can see visions of him when she's doing things which are dangerous. She then becomes a retard-ass thrill seeker, all because she wants to see Edward again. Then, Jacob, a werewolf steps into her life as her new best friend. Turns out that he likes her blah-blah-blah she likes him too... Only to go back to Edward. That slutty whore...
To minimize on spoilers, that's all I'm gonna say. Please go watch the movie and come out reveling in the sluttiness of Bella. Happy Holidays, I'm out.
(End of Post)
(If tea and liquor weren't enough... Meet coffee.)
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