( How my mind looks like )
If you know me, you know I blabber nonsense anytime. And now's the time.
I'm at home, looking at the screen in front of me thinking: WTH am I going to Do?
You see, I get bored easily so, you get it.
Now, a thought hit me!!! Isn't today the "mooncake festival" ? Why, yes it is. It's the perfect chance to burn things down and eat not-so-edible mooncakes. WooHoo!!!
As you can see, I'm either very bored... or very high... loaded on some strong stuff... God?! is that you? WTF are you doing to that kitty cat? You're Doing What!? I'm probably just high. Why? Maybe that Pokka drink I drank just now was loaded, no wonder it tasted BAD...
Yes. That was me, as random as space thingies.
(If you were wondering what was that pokka, it was some green tea + peach shit. I know my teas and this tastes horrible for something which came from Japan: Supposedly known for its green tea. I am now avoiding japanese drinks for the moment.)
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