Hello people,
Got serious crap to post about, whether to use English as a medium of instruction for Science & Mathematics in schools.
English, the current language Sc & Mt is being taught in, is being taught around Malaysia mostly without compliants from students or their parents. This decision is not without it's opposition, but some who oppose the practice give the highly ridiculous reason of rural students not being able to catch-up with their lessons.
Why I think the reason is stupid is because schoolchildren are constantly being sent to schools which do not use the student's mother tongue as a teaching language. For example, malay student gets sent to chinese school without knowing a word of mandarin, but graduates with good results. It is a known fact that we humans improve by constantly being throwned at challenges.
Another reason I think why students cannot keep-up with the curiculum is because their teachers are given inadequate trainning. As to my belief, Sc & Mt teachers are being trained in Bahasa Melayu, which is why they has problems when given the task of teaching in English.
English is the most commonly used language by both Science and Mathematical communuties. Since that is the case, its only right if we use English as language of instruction if we Malaysians are to gain a standing in the global Science and Mathematical arenas. Most scientific papers/theories are published in English, and if we are to understand them our scholars/ scientists need to command the English language.
In conclusion, I fully agree with English being the instructional medium for Science & Mathematics.
End of post.
( After typing so much, the author is thirsty for many cups of tea. Preferbly chinese ones. )
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