Nice to type something again... I was a bit lazy last few weeks...
Today I went for a facial !!! Or what we cantonese speaking chinese call "sai min". Damn was it an enlightening experience. So, heres how it went.
First, the lady put some cream on my face and started doing what you expect: rubbing and massaging. Then it was pimple removal time!!! Woohoo!!! She uses a needle to burst the pimples and starts using another "tool" to squezze the shit out of them. Hell did it hurt... But it was for a good cause... those evil pimple-producing bacteria were living in my face so it felt good.
After that painful experience, it was all downhill. A somewhat stinging cream was put and removed after awhile. Then it was a minty smelling mask thing... mm... I was left alone to think about the bad things I've done. After that was removed, my facial was complete.
Now that needle thing was quite painful, so if you're feeling emo try that and you won't anymore. Guys, if you like pain get a facial.
Note: Facials are NOT for sissys, if you think so, I dare you to get one.
And heres a pic about my post-facial face
(Tea is still good for you... Even though its sometimes scalding hot.)