Monday, August 31, 2009

How Spiderman spends his free time

It's your favourite uncle who's not related blogging on Merdeka day.

So to start off, I wish everyone a happy Merdeka. And now to the main-course: How Spiderman spends his free time.

Everybody says they know him, that his name Peter Parker, he has a girlfriend, he works as a reporter for the "Daily Mail" etc. But, there's something missing, what the heck he does when he's not Spiderman?

Well I for one believe that Spidey visits nightclubs. Why? Because that's the only place where he can enjoy himself and keep an eye on criminals. Who doesn't like the idea of a beer drinking, fighting crime the next moment Spiderman?

Next, Spidey would most probably visit animals shelthers on weekends. He visits those cute animals disguised as a dog( Pic: Spiderman caught visiting a animal shelther ). His only problem would be escaping after being caught and locked-up in a cage.

Lastly, taking artistic pictures will also be probable as something Spidey does in his free time. Spidey as we all know is somewhat a lonely person, a girlfriend who's always in trouble, his only relative is Aunt May who's freakin old and he works for a Nazi boss. This loneliness leads to moments where Spiderman needs to express himself, and he does it through pictures.

( A cup of tea would be nice after all that reading, wouldn't it? I know it does. )

Sunday, August 16, 2009

My solution to the F*cked up prefect shit.

Dear readers,

As you all are well aware, my school life has got a little more f*cked up with the new PSPP system. I did a little thinking during the weekend and I came up with a solution.

First, we shall lower our standards and recruit as many people as possible and Voila!~ Manpower problem solved. We can then improve their performance by rewarding according to their performances, the better they do the better the rewards.

Next, we shall assign duty through shifts due to the increase in manpower, for example: X can do his duty on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays while Y does his duties on the days in between. This solves the over-worked prefect problem. A nice bonus is that it also keeps everyone fresh and exited for duty.

Lastly, we shall assign duties according to the individual prefects abilities. This way we don't make unreasonable expectations of the prefects and thus, we won't be easily dissapointed.

That was my suggestion to make my school's prefects lives easier. I also believe that the current plan is conjured up by Nazis.


(How to relax: Drink a cup of tea. Enjoy.)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Exams and shitty school shit

Its time for more words to spew out of my mind again.

This time, I'm writing about school stuff. First into the fire is some Prefect shit. As by wearing a blue school uniform I'm a prefect, or as they say, Pengawas Tandas. Well, the prefectorial board in my school is in its very essence, ABSOLUTE SHIT. It is headed by a guy without a life besides being a prefect and in simple words, a nerd.
It today has made my life even more difficult, why? Its because it has came up with more satanic ways to screw-up our lives, by making group leaders to record our every movement and by implementing a points system with penalties very much like the students'. All of this crap for the all 'greater' purpose of improving the quality of service we prefects give to the school. In my opinion, its all bullshit.

The third exams are also coming up. They're going to take place next week. I don't have anything to say on this topic except "We're all going to mutha-effing die".

( Tea is still being consumed by millions/billions of people all around the world)