Friday, May 29, 2009

School Holidays: What I plan to do


School holidays are here again, and now I have free time. 

Well, the first thing on my mind at the time of posting is to go running/jogging on most mornings to help train for the up-coming TaeKwondo MSSD. I need more stamina to last the minimal 4-5 rounds to get to the medal-getting bouts.

There we have the 1st item, I'm also going to go to Penang sometime during the holidays. There's also Kem Perdana on the 10th-12th of June. I'll probably kill something there.

Last thing I can think of is SMS/MSN'ing everyone I know to burn time.

Tea is good for you, have another cup.

Moonboy: A strange little kid

<--- The little bugger himself

OK, hi again

Today, I gonna post about Moonboy. Let's call him MB for a while ok?

So,  MB is a Youtube shuffling sensation who looks like a kid. Let's talk about his identity first, he looks 10-12 and by the way some of video look, I'm guessing he's a Malaysian/Indonesian/Singaporean.

Ok, about his style, MB shuffles way better than most of my schoolmates( no matter what the race ). I'm not into the shuffling scene so don't ask for details or specifics, I got no other comment except he's good at shuffling/dancing.

Lastly, I have a junior prefect who also shuffles. So I guess she could be MB's partner in both romance and dancing.

That's all I have to say.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Exam's over.

Hey Hey Hey......

The mid-year exams are over. I'm so happy/relieved that they are finally OVER. WOOHOO !!!

Well, tommorrow is Teacher's Day. And I have to go early ( 6.15 a.m.) to prepare stuff for the event. The evil bastards.

Today my seniors crapped about what crap we need to do. I'm in charge of traffic + being a flower guy. And then afterwards when it's almost time to go home 1 of our BELOVED teachers crapped about what we can or can't do. She probably get runned over sometime soon.

That's all I have to say.
P.S I like tea.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Frustration = A feeling everyone hates.

Do you ever got that feeling ? The one that you feel like you have no way to end you problems, the one where you want to just end the damned day. Do you? I'll tell you what it is. It's called Frustration.

Today, I've experienced frustration first hand. It was about my solar cooking team. One of the rules is that each team must have a Bumiputra... A.K.A malay.

Therefore, the teacher's decision was to ask one of us to quit. As you all see, I'm a bit of a racist but in general Malay people are fine. Just a few I don't like.

Well, my friend's idea was to use to Malay guy's name and keep the other one the team.

Ah.... See, the whole team is frustrated with the sudden change.

Post another day.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Tree Friends - The Perfect Education for Small Children

Many of you happen to know about "Happy Tree Friends".

It's this video(s) about a bunch of cute characters getting hurt, injured or killed. Don't know what I mean? Go to Youtube and search for "Happy Tree Friends" and you will know.

Back to the main point.
By watching "Happy Tree Friends" you can learn alot of things. For example: "Eyes Cold Lemondade" you learn that you should not put lemon juice on open wounds.

So, by making small children watch "Happy Tree Friends" you let them learn many important things in life.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

My bike's domination.

Today someone complimented my bike. 

I was riding around the Nuri area and I rode past the same man 3 times while riding in a big loop. So, when he saw me again he stopped me and asked how much did I bought the thing for. We chatted a little while about where I got my tyres and how much he disliked the owner of the place I bought them. Turns out he was one of my friend's dad, I found out when he stopped me again to show his son and daughter my bike.

Damn, I'm proud. 

Friday, May 1, 2009

Swine Flu isn't really from pigs.

HEYA kiddys !!!

Today I've learned that swine flu isn't from pigs. It has the symptoms of swine flu but it isn't. It seems to be a mix of human and swine flu. From my point of view (aka TV news) there is no proof that it is transmitted by going from pigs to humans. Even WHO has renamed the virus to AH1N1 (with H1N1 being bird flu).
So there you have it, a deadly virus where nobody knows anything about where it came from. This reminds us that we should cook our meat products throughtly. And more importantly, it's a bit safer to eat pork now. YAY.

Give free rice to the poor.

Hello again people,

As you all know there are people in some countries that are very poor, so poor that they can't even buy food. So I'm asking you, my friends to go to this website: . The way to give is really simple. You just play their games. Your english does'nt have to be very good as there are other subjects too. Likes the times( X ) table.

So thank you all for reading this post and PLEASE go to the website.